A few weeks off in May

London, Bristol, Dartmoor, Copenhagen, and Malmo Mondays

I’d managed to save up a load of annual leave over the winter months, and managed to get almost 3 weeks off in May. Far from seeing this as an opportunity for some relaxation, I apparently decided that I needed to go everywhere and see everyone.

I was part of the way through a roll of film in both my Minolta Dynax 404si and my Fuji 645Zi, which I took on the trip. I was shooting medium format Cinestill 400D for the first time, after really liking the look of the photos I got on the 35mm version of this film stock in Malta. For some reason, though, these photos came back with a really strong magenta hue which was really difficult to correct, with the colours still looking quite unnatural and a little more muted than I’d ideally want. These photos are from Bristol.

When I was in London, I only took out the 35mm camera, as I focused mostly on getting some street shots from around Hackney, where I was staying. I could never see myself living in London, but I do really love shooting there.

The following weekend I went with some of Emily’s friends to Dartmoor. We were staying at Oliver’s family home, which is pretty remote and has some absolutely beautiful gardens. We were lucky enough to have some beautiful weather while we were there, and I think I got some nice shots there too.

After stopping back in Bristol for a few days, next up was a wee trip to Copenhagen with The Boysies (Edd and Jon). I took both the Minolta and the Fuji with me. I was pretty happy with how a lot of the photos came out, but I think my tendency to shoot street photography in portrait orientation hindered some of them, cropping them a wee bit too tight. That said, some lovely shots in there still.

Did somebody say Malmo Mondays?

Hope you enjoyed this set of photos. Here’s my roundup of favourites - doing 10 this time cos there’s like 2 1/2 rolls of film’s worth of photos here.


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