Summer in Bristol
Hello again! This is the first post on here which is not just uploading photos retrospectively from times gone by, this is some of the new stuff. I’ve mostly been shooting a style that I think is a bit of a continuation of my Wee Green Hollow project, looking for more wee quirks of nostalgia and local community. I think I’ve started to get more variation to subjects and composition, though, largely thanks to the extra spare time that funemployment allows. The first 4 photos here are the end of a roll of 120 film I started in Copenhagen. After that, there are photos from two more rolls of 120 film. All shot on my Fuji GA645Zi. Hope you enjoy!
I started this roll of film while in the Peak District with some pals, doing some walking and climbing. Back in Bristol, it was back to the usual. I think a couple photos could have benefited from being taken later in the day, the harsh shadows of mid-afternoon light don’t quite show what I was hoping to capture with them.
This second roll had a few shots that I’d been planning for a while, just waiting to get the right light on them. This meant quite a lot of walking through Easton, trying to get 5 shots but only getting maybe one each time. Slow, but quite a nice process.
There are also a few photos here from the Balloon Fiesta, which was quite the sight to behold.
Anyway, here are my favourites from these two-and-a-bit rolls.
Would love to hear any thoughts in the comments!
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Final thing, if you’ve not filled out the blog survey, please do! It would be great to get an idea of what sort of stuff people would be interested in reading in these blog posts, as well as how curated the sets of photos should be.